Monday, January 3, 2011

What's For Dinner?

If you know me, you know that I have lots of ideas and occasionally act on them. Well I have been noodling on this one for awhile. I like to cook (wanted to say "love", but that seemed a tad strong). I really like to cook things that are healthy, yummy, and fairly easy to make. Since the new year has begun, many of you have made New Year's resolutions to improve your health- eating better, exercising more, spending more time doing the things you enjoy, etc. My goal is to keep up with this blog this year and to add a feature called "What's For Dinner"? Here you will get information on a recent meal we have had including recipe, photos, and reviews.

As a teaser tonight the Gellert Family is having Butternut Squash/Shallot Soup and Beet and Walnut Salad with crusty Italian bread. Come back tomorrow for more information.

Happy New Year.


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