Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Beginning

So yesterday, I decided it would be great fun to start a family blog.  I was pretty darn excited- thinking it would be a great way to stay connected to each other (the four of us that is), share what is happening in our home with other family members- specifically those we don't see very often, and watch it hopefully grow into something we would later treasure.  A family diary of sorts.  Reaction to my idea was greeted with lots of questions.  Most, unfortunately, I didn't have the answers to.  Today I did some research which will help as we go forward creating something I think one day we will treasure.

I hope the four of us will take turns making blog entries.  My guess is that Morgan and Frances will quickly figure out how to add photos, video, etc- while Nick and I will slowly gain those skills.  I hope to hear about different things you are proud of, things you are struggling with, great books you are reading, places you have been, things you enjoy doing as a family, etc.  I am really not sure what to expect- but hope it will be something fun we can do together.

love- mom

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